Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Right Side of the Tracks

March 31st, 1980 – 31 years ago, today; I had the most terrifying experience of my life – when I found myself falling between the cars of a moving NYC subway train. Though people knew of this, only a few have ever heard the full story of how I survived the impossible. It’s a story that’ll either change the way you think about everything, or confirm what you’ve already believed. Then, there are those who will still choose to continue as they are, living in negativity.

I’ve withheld telling this… knowing that most who read this would’ve deemed me insane… until I felt the time was right. Seeing the current state of world affairs… natural disasters, outbursts of violence and political upheaval worldwide, a Presidential Limo – mockingly named THE BEAST, as well as an EU main computer bearing the same monicker and people already voluntarily having chips implanted in their right wrist- which will eventually link them directly to – THE BEAST – allowing them to make purchases by merely waving their chip in front of a transponder. We’re seeing the armies of the world amassing against Israel – watching as the ‘Book of Revelations’ unfolds around us… I believe this is the time that people will listen.

I’ve relived this event in late night flashbacks, to where I can just close my eyes and see the event unfolding as it did that day.

I was heading back home from my girlfriend’s apartment, and went to take the Local from Union Square. One of the things about Union Square Station is that the 4/5/6 trains come in on a curved track – which leaves a wide gap between the cars of the train, and the station platform. Once the train has stopped at the platform, metal grates slide out to meet the train.

I was at the top of the stairs that led down to the 4/5/6 platform, and saw that my train had just arrived and passengers were boarding. So, I bounded down the stairs and reached the platform just as the last of the passengers was getting on. I looked, and just to my left… and no more than six-feet away… was the conductor looking out in my direction. I went to enter the open door that was directly in front of me now, and just as I was about to step inside, the doors closed in my face. Before I could react, the train began to move, and the grate that I was standing on began to retract – throwing me off balance. I tried to regain my balance to no avail.

I found myself falling between the, now quickly moving, cars. Time seemed to stand still, and what could only have been a second or two seemed endless. I panicked! I grasped, and then I saw it – like one of those filmstrips that you’d sit through in Health, or Drivers Ed, class back in those days – I saw images… my life flashing in front of me. I knew it was over.

Then, a lifetime of “ Religious indoctrination” took over. God… my last resort! I remember saying “I’m in your hands, now”. I felt a rush of warmth, and total peace. I was engulfed in a bright light. I felt myself being lifted, and I was happy to be going by now –all my fear had subsided.

The next thing I knew, I was standing back on the platform. It was empty, except for me and the ‘man’ who’d lifted me to safety. “Who are you?” I didn’t want to thank him namelessly. He was old, possibly in his 60s; gaunt with a cold stare. He was wearing a gray suit. He didn’t respond, and I reached for him; to shake him and ask him his name again… but… and this was the part that it took me about six years to realize… he put out his hand as if ordering me to ‘Halt’, and vanished.

Was this just my ‘imaginary friend’, as my ‘more educated’ associates would call Him ? The man on the platform was clearly not physically strong enough to have lifted me, judging by his appearance and build, and there was no way he could’ve reached out and grabbed me while maintaining his own balance, or have been able to react in a split-second.

In time, I came to realize that he must’ve been my Guardian Angel.

It’s funny, how when I’ve told this story – in detail to Progressives, the immediate response has been to block me from any further communication. I believe this is a necessary reaction for Progressives, since my story confirms the existence of God… and of a Supreme Being… while Progressives believe that there is none greater than themselves, and to hear a story that so clearly confirms God would mean that they would have to admit to being wrong – something no Progressive can ever do.

But, you can take this any way you want – though I wouldn’t personally advise dismissing it. This isn’t some second, or third-hand ‘tale’ – it’s the experience of someone who many of you have known for as long as 30 years. It’s documented, and no one can tell me that I imagined it.