Sunday, September 5, 2010

Axl Rose

It looks like Axl Rose is getting more undeserved bad press.

This article makes it out to be that Axl is the bad guy, for not being 'tolerant' of people throwing shit at him. I'd like to see how this author would react to being pelted with bottles. FYI - Axl is a human being, and concerts are not Gladiator events.

I met Axl after a GnR concert in 1992. During 'Live and Let Die', someone threw a lighter at him. It freaked him out, and he walked offstage, out of Giants Stadium... and stood in the middle of Rte 3 until he calmed down enough to go back onstage. What I saw as we talked, was someone with one of the worst cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I'd ever seen. If you're familiar with his background - it's a miracle he hasn't committed suicide.

Everyone knows the story of his outburst in St Louis - where 'Axl provoked a riot', according to reports. Except the stories left out the most crucial facts to the incident. GnR contracts specify that, under U.S. and International Copyright laws - no recording devices are permitted to be used, and the honus is put on the promoter to provide security. Part of the duty of security personel is to protect the artist, as well as to confiscate any recording devices being used illegally. When someone in the audience violated Axl's Rights, Axl first pointed the offender out ot security - who ignored Axl's demand to comply with the Contract. After a few failed attempts, Axl ' lost it', and took the law into his own hands.

It just makes for better press to demonize the star.

What I've observed since meeting Axl in 1992 is a man who is being handled by people who are only looking at dollar signs, and not the best interest of Axl. If they cared at all, they advise him that he is not mentally capable of handling stardom - that he's plenty rich as he is, and he should just retire, and start enjoying his life for once.

In the early 1970s, it wasn't unusual for an act to go on much later than scheduled. Sly And The Family Stone once showed up at Madison Square Garden well after midnight, and then refused to go on until the promoter bought them all new gear. They had to call Manny's and get somone to open the store in the middle of the night. I heard a few stories of Sly and Co pulling prima dona acts from the father of my girlfriend, back when I was a Misfit. He was Sly's manager.

So... AXL... if you read this - retire. You've made your mark. Get rid of those parasites who've been driving you to produce. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.